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Reworked Buffs (Poems and Rhythms)

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The buff system has been reworked to streamline effects and save slots. Character buff slots are capped at 20 + 4, and buffs received from the buffer last for 4 hours. All enchanter and support classes have received new Poems, Harmonies, and Dances/Songs, and the buffs can also be received via the Community Board. The reworked buffs affect the entire party and last for 20 minutes.

Buffs have been categorized into the following groups:

  • Poems and Harmonies - combine the effects of 2-3 normal buffs
  • Improved Songs and Dances - combine the effects of 2-3 normal songs and dances

This streamlined system not only reduces buff management complexity but also enhances party coordination. Players can now focus more on combat strategy rather than constantly refreshing individual buffs. The extended 4-hour duration for buffer-provided buffs significantly reduces the need for frequent rebuffing, while the 20-minute party buffs maintain balanced gameplay dynamics during group activities.

Visit the Community Board (Alt+B) to access these enhanced buffs for your adventures or a Buff Merchant in any town. Remember to check your active buff window regularly to maximize the effectiveness of your character's enhancement slots.